Rental Inspections

On October 26, 2015 the City Council passed ordinance City of South Sioux City, Code of Ordinances Chapter 18 - Buildings and Building Regulations Article XV Rental Inspection Program  creating a rental property inspection and licensing program.  The Mayor and City Council have determined that it is desirable, appropriate, in the public interest, and therefore necessary to implement a uniform rental inspection program to maintain safe housing for tenants and safe and livable neighborhoods for South Sioux City’s residents. 

The purpose of this Rental Inspection Program is to promote the health, safety and welfare of the persons living in and near rental dwellings, preserve the existing housing supply and neighborhoods, help maintain property values, prevent or eliminate substandard and deteriorating rental dwellings and to maintain a living environment that contributes to the health, safety and general welfare of individual and family living.

The licensing fee for an annual license is $50 per structure plus $10 for each additional rental dwelling unit.  The licensing period begins March 1st with an application deadline of February 28th.  To kick off this program, the City Council is waiving the licensing fee for the first year for property owners who submit the licensing application on or before December 31, 2015.  For property owners who submit the licensing application between January 1, 2016 and February 28, 2016, the licensing fee is ½ the normal fee.  Applications received on or after March 1, 2016, the full licensing fee will be required and a $10 per day late fee will be assessed.  Submitting the application early is highly recommended.

Mayor Rod Koch stated “The Rental Inspection Program is good news for South Sioux City.  Every resident deserves to live in a safe, sanitary and properly maintained home, and this program will help us achieve that goal.”

If you have any questions regarding this program, please do not hesitate to call the Inspection Services Department at 402-494-7518 or visit  

Rental Inspection Program Changes

Landlord Tenant Law Brochure

Rental License Application

Renter Information Form

2023 Amended Rental Inspection Program Ordinance

Fair Housing Brochure - English

Fair Housing Brochure - Spanish

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